Made in
Chesterfield, UK
Made from
Lived in
UK and Italy
Dinosaurs of course...
People who think clothes with dinosaurs are for children... everyone should love dinosaurs
Fun Fact
My creator bought this dinosaur printed cotton and made a range of different garments so I'm part of a limited collection. She made me alongside a bucket hat for her adult daughter so we look super cool together.
Audio Story

Clothing Law
Don't be afraid to wear what you want... even if it is dinosaurs!
I need to say something. So first of all what is more sustainable than dinosaurs? Second, i'm handmade, by my owners mum. It's made out of bed sheets i would say, which are also 30 years old and also sustainable in a way that her mum did it in a calm, relaxed environment so it's also sustainable for the social and mental health of the person producing it.

this symbol means this garment is a result of fair labor. that could be a traceable, ethical, industrial factory; from a small scale artisanal production; or by a granny at the kitchen table.

this symbol represents courage, courage to go against the status quo. This garment is either the reason for, or the result of, dressing in a way that makes you truly confident. in the current fashion system, that isn't always easy.